Use Wanikani API to List all Kanji by Date Burned

In Python 02 Aug 2023


Once I’ve burned a kanji, I add it to my Anki writing deck. The Wanikani website shows the Kanji burned (advanced to the last level at which point the cards are retired) in the last 30 days, but if you want to see further back in time, then it is necessary to do something custom with the API.

Generating API Key

The Script

Download and extract. (Contains script and requirements.txt)

Running the Script

From a folder containing the script and requirements.txt, run the following in the terminal:

Replace <API_KEY> with your wanikani API Key.

python3 -m venv env               # Create Virtual Environment
source env/bin/activate           # Activate Virtual Environment
pip install -r requirements.txt   # Install Dependencies

python <API_KEY>    # Run the Script