Book Review:"Kiki's Delivery Service" Novel by Eiko Kadono : The Perfect First Novel for a Japanese Learner

魔女の宅急便 角野栄子 29 May 2021

a.k.a. Majo no Takkyubin


This was the first true novel I read from start to finish in Japanese. Though a childrens novel, I think it makes a fun read for all ages. It’s so cute—I love it! It includes some flowery language and lots of onomotopoeia which is great for learning. I know I’ll eventually read the rest of the series, though for now I’m moving on to some more challenging novels.

I’d recommend the 角川文庫 version for those comfortable with kanji as it removes comprehensive furigana. Though the 角川文庫 versions don’t include the illustrations of the other versions, it makes up for it with a beautiful cover illustration on each volume.